2016 Society for the Study of Southern Literature Conference, Boston, March 10-12

Welty, the North, and the South
Chair: Sarah Ford, Baylor University
1. “Quentin Compson in Reverse: A Northerner’s South in ‘No Place for You, My Love’”
Laura Patterson, Seton Hill University
2. “Welty on the Interstate: New Networks of North-South Literary Exchange”
Daniel Spoth, Eckerd College
3. “Dematerializing the South in Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples”
Stephen M. Fuller, Middle Georgia State University
4. “Welty, the South, the North, and the 1960’s”
Harriet Pollack, Bucknell University

Honoring Noel Polk’s Legacy: New Directions in Archival, Bibliographic, and Textual Studies of Welty
Chair: Mae Miller Claxton, Western Carolina University
1. “The Maid of Orléans at the Palace of Pleasure: Welty’s ‘The Purple Hat’ and The Emblematic Nature of Violence”
Rebecca L. Harrison, University of West Georgia
2. “Archive Treasures: Welty’s 1985 Reading of As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, and Light in August”
Pearl Amelia McHaney, Georgia State University
3. “Let’s Hope Noel (dis)Approves This Paper: the (un)Forgiving Nature of Noel Polk’s Editorial-ship”
Dina Smith, Drake University
4. “Writer and Editor: Eudora Welty and Robert Giroux”
Patrick Samway, S.J., St. Joseph’s University